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We Believe

Jesus Changes Everything!


We believe that Jesus is the eternal Son of God who came to earth to live God’s will, to die a purposeful death and to rise from the dead to open the door to life for all humanity.


We believe we are in the middle of a story that began with God creating the world whole and good. Those He made to reflect His image and holy character rebelled against God and our world was flooded with powers of sin and death that left this world broken and humanity in dire peril. But God did not abandon His creation, rather, He promised to heal and restore it. That promise is fulfilled in Jesus Christ in His life, death, and resurrection.


We believe we are in the third act of this narrative. God is actively working in our world to fix that which is broken through the love and sacrifice of Jesus.


We believe that “God desires all people to be saved and come into the knowledge of the truth.” (I Timothy 2:4, ESV). Becoming a Christian doesn’t require a laundry list of good works, rather simple trust in Christ, who has done His good work of salvation for us.


We believe Christians are God’s ambassadors, announcing the good news of Jesus to our next door neighbor and world, and working for reconciliation among all people and for restoration of God’s gift of creation.




We Worship

In worship, God declares His love for us through Jesus.

In worship, we respond to God’s love by celebrating.


8:30 AM Traditional: uses an ancient format (liturgy) with our Lutheran emphasis on the Gospel expressed in hymns, confession and creed, preaching and prayer, and the Lord’s Supper.  Our music is enriched with the sound of organ and grand piano, as well as, classic instruments and vocal ensembles.


10:45 AM Contemporary:  uses many of the same elements from our traditional service but the music and worship are led by a worship team and band drawing from many modern sources with a sprinkling of some great hymns of the church.                 




Baptism is a sacred act (sacrament) through which God does something for us. In Baptism we receive our identity and participation in Jesus’ story as we are buried with Jesus in his death and raised to new life through his resurrection (Romans 6:3-4). This washing of water with the promise of God cleanses from sin and gives to us the Holy Spirit to dwell in our spirit.


To schedule baptism for you or your child (any age) please use the form below OR or call the Church Office at 770-475-0640. Our pastor will arrange a one-hour preparation session with you. 


Baptism Request

  • Date, 8:45 AM, 10:15 AM
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