8:30 AM Traditional: uses an ancient format (liturgy) with our Lutheran emphasis on the Gospel expressed in hymns, confession and creed, preaching and prayer, and the Lord’s Supper. Our music is enriched with the sound of organ and grand piano, as well as, classic instruments and vocal ensembles.
10:45 AM Contemporary: uses many of the same elements from our traditional service but the music and worship are led by a worship team and band, drawing from many modern sources with a sprinkling of some great hymns of the church.
Following each worship service there is a CTS Elder and Stephen Minister available to pray with those who bear burdens or bring thanksgivings to the Lord.

God’s Word
We believe that God speaks through His Word inspired by the Holy Spirit. Therefore it is an exciting and instructive time for our congregation when we place ourselves before God’s Word each Sunday. God’s Word is experienced in a variety of ways in worship including hymn and song lyrics, the Scripture readings, in sermons, and in Holy Communion.
Our sermons are both preaching and teaching venues, normally delivered in a series around a particular book of the Bible, topic, or theme, but always using Scripture as the source of proclamation.
We have a fully staffed nursery for infants through age 4 across from the sanctuary. Parents are invited to utilize the nursery during either service. The nursery is also open during special services and various events at the church.

JR Sermon
During our 8:30 and 10:45 am services we offer the JR Sermon for children ages 5 through 5th Grade. Bring your children to the Sanctuary to worship with you and then, just prior to the sermon, they will be dismissed to hear the Word on their level through a variety of age-level presentations. Before Holy Communion is celebrated the children re-join their families. If you would prefer your children remain with you throughout the service that is also welcomed.