The CTS Youth Ministry exists to invite youth into a relationship with Jesus Christ, mentoring them to take on the shape of Jesus by Reaching UP, IN and OUT in their daily life.
Reach UP to discover God’s desire to be in a relationship with you
Reach IN to develop community with other youth who follow Jesus
Reach OUT to serve others in Jesus name
Middle School

FaithINK Community
Meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in our Loft youth facility.
Small groups of 4-6 students are led by an adult Guide.
The small groups reach UP to God through times of worship and praise; reach IN through caring and sharing; and reach OUT through a variety of servant projects through-out the school year. There is a pre-event warm-up time with pizza fellowship and game room time each week beginning at 6:00 PM. Crossroads meets each week during the school year.
Other Events
- Spiritual growth retreats are offered on designated weekends in the fall and the spring.
- In the summer we participate in a week-long Adventure Quest Camp at Doe River Gorge.

High School
We provide an atmosphere where students are cared for, valued and freed up to be themselves. A place where teenagers can discover who they are and “Whose” they are. Come be a part of something that really matters in a setting where we can “be real” with one another while pursuing a relationship with Jesus that will last for eternity.

Sunday Night Life Community (SNL)
Meets on Sunday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 PM in the Loft youth facility.
We focus on a time of worship and praise led by the Senior Youth Praise Band. Beginning at 6:00 PM, there is a pre-event fellowship with pizza available by the slice and time for mixing.
We gather in small groups where we do “life-on-life” with one another seeking to live out our relationship with Jesus Christ at home, at school, at work, in the community and at church. Our small groups meet throughout the facility including in our “Eno” room. SNL meets weekly on Sunday evenings during the school year.

Sunday Morning Options
High School youth are encouraged to serve in various roles within the congregation on Sunday mornings including volunteering as Sunday School teachers for children; IMAG Operators for Worship; Sound Technician for Worship and Ushers.
There is also the GIFT Community which is for all ages, including High School youth. It meets on Sundays, 9:40 to 10:35 AM in the Celebration Hall.
Other Events
- Spiritual Growth Retreats offered on designated weekends in the fall and on MLK weekend.
- In the summer, our group participates in various week long camps (Passion Camp in Daytona Beach).
- On a three-year rotation, we go on an international mission trip to Panajachel, Guatemala to serve with our mission partner Porch de Salomon.
- For more information on the youth ministry opportunities at CTS, please contact Randy Potts, Youth Minister.