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It Takes the Power of Everybody to Create the Right Atmosphere!



 I was a stranger and you welcomed me



Let mutual love continue and don’t neglect hospitality



The conviction of things unseen



For all things are possible with God



The Power of Everybody creates this atmosphere when we come not only to receive but to share:  Welcome, Hospitality, Faith, Expectancy.  Each one of us creates a positive impact when our passion for Jesus translates into our smile, warmth, and an expectant faith that knows God is present and able to move the minds and touch the hearts of every single person entering through our doors.


An atmosphere that honors Jesus by welcoming others is enhanced when there are strategic points of engagement available.  It can’t happen without you! Consider joining one of our teams:



Please take a look at all of the options below where you can get plugged in and make a difference. Volunteer for as many options as you like and the ministry leader for that area will get in touch with you to provide more information.




Sunday Servants – Hospitality

  • Entry Welcome volunteers set the tone at the door as they make a great first impression with their smiles.
  • Connection Center team members provide all kinds of information about CTS to members and guests alike.
  • Café workers have the fun of serving coffee and treats in the bustle of our Sunday morning meeting place.
  • Home-Baking volunteers prepare the delicious treats that are offered each week in the Café.


Sunday Servants – Worship

  • Ushers provide courteous help to all who are attending a worship service and assist in the orderly conduct of worship.
  • Communion Assistants help in the celebration and distribution of Holy Communion.
  • Altar Guild prepares the sacred vessels for the celebration of Holy Communion as well as cares for the altar and its furnishings.
  • Offering Counters really “count” by accounting for the offerings after each worship service.




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